Fri, Aug 27
|Simi Valley
Garden to Table - Fabulous Greens
Did you think learning to grow and cook greens would be boring..... Think again…is anything I do in my garden or kitchen boring!
Time & Location
Aug 27, 2021, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Simi Valley, Simi Valley, CA, USA
About the Event
This not the usual garden greens class!
For many years I’ve grown a TON of garden greens and every year I ask myself “how in the heck am I going to get the family excited about eating fresh garden greens?”
SO, I improvise, get creative and try to make them interesting and more appealing and yes it ALWAYS works even on my picky don’t like eating vegetables husband!
Menu For This Class
- Carrot Top Pesto over French Baguette
- Swish Chard Rolls, with French Sorrel Cream Sauce
- Campfire Chili with Kale, White beans & Chicken
- Stir Fried Sweet Potato Leaves, with Roasted Pumpkin Seeds & Cilantro Lime Dressing
Featured Vegetable Guests - Kale, Swiss Chard, French Sorrel, Carrot Tops, & Sweet Potato Leaves
Growing Topics
· Planting by either seedling or seeds
· Best varieties for the Southern Californina gardener
· Pruning, transplanting and feeding
Greens should be and essential part of every meal because they’re super-duper nutritional, can be grown year around in Southern CA, come in a broad diversity of flavors and textures and when cooked right are extremely delicious!
What is Garden to Table ?
It's a combination of walking through my personal garden learning about specific vegetables, fruits and herbs currently growing. Some of the topics include; choosing the best varieties to plant in our area, organic feeding options, sustainable pest management, and much more!
The second half of the class we'll sit in my kitchen and cook up a delicious and healthy meal using freshly harvested garden fruits, veggies and herbs discussed during class.
Garden to Table Greens
There is so much more you can do with greens than make a salad or side dish! Try something new, learn about garden greens
$45.00Sold Out
This event is sold out